Monday, January 20, 2025

Kings crazy for Hyderabad race club cup the feature event of the day

1 race:

3. Black hill-45

6.Sir mor-40

7.Royal baby-40

My choice:3.Black hill-win

2 race:

4.Aero dynamic-47

3.Gama -40

6.Niche storm-40

My choice:Aero dynamics -win 

(Mumbai import running after 3 months, no track, fitness unknown, if fit can win otherwise Gama  or Niche storm may be tried)

3 race:

7.Golden dragon -69

2. Immortal guest -64

4.Big tymer-64

6.Ashwa pathan-59

My choice:7.Golden dragon -win

4 race:



7.Miss marmalade -64


My choice:3. Cheiftan-win

5 race:

6.Kings crazy-100

8.She's a beauty-90

3.Wonderful lady-85


My choice:6.King's crazy-win

6 race:

7.Master of success -30


6. Striking distance -20

2.Nizabati wings-18